
The2200and2600arebothWi-Fi5buttheMR2200acistri-band,theRT2600acisdualband(asistheWRX560).ifyou'reusingWi-Fiforyour ...,Whataretheeffectivedifferencesbetweenthefollowingtwoarchitectures:1.RT2600acmainrouter;1or2additionalRT2600acunitsinAPmode ...,Ingeneral,moreCPUpowerandmemoryonthe2600.Here'saSynologycomparisonchartthatmightansweryourquestions.,在先前的展場簡評中我有提到,Synology其實有點把Syn...

Differences or benefits between using MR2200AC ...

The 2200 and 2600 are both Wi-Fi 5 but the MR2200ac is tri-band, the RT2600ac is dual band (as is the WRX560). if you're using Wi-Fi for your ...

Question on RT2600ac in AP mode versus MR2200ac for ...

What are the effective differences between the following two architectures: 1. RT2600ac main router; 1 or 2 additional RT2600ac units in AP mode ...

RT2600ac+MR2200ac vs. 2x MR2200ac

In general, more CPU power and memory on the 2600. Here's a Synology comparison chart that might answer your questions.

Synology Mesh MR2200ac 路由器評論+使用問題釋疑看這邊~

在先前的展場簡評中我有提到,Synology 其實有點把Synology RT2600ac 當成整體的控制器來用,而實際上一旦你把MR2200ac 配對到RT2600ac 之後,MR2200ac ...

Synology RT2600ac Review

The MR2200ac is a dual-stream (2×2) router. That said, the RT2600ac has the top ceiling Wi-Fi speed of 1733Mbps, and the MR2200, has just ...

Synology RT6600ax Router 與MR2200acRT2600ac 的 ...

大部分的Mesh Wi-Fi的連結方式都採用Star 模式,以RT600ax為主的話,下圖是採用Star方式連接兩台MR2200ac,由於Mesh是智慧型的自動偵測最佳連結方式,想要 ...

[測試] Mesh Wi

... Synology 兩者是在誤差範圍內,323 vs. 288 Mbps,兩者規格均為雙頻5Ghz 867 Mbps) [測試] Mesh Wi-Fi 大亂鬥,Synology RT2600ac+MR2200ac、 △ 但 ...


最適合面積高達6,500 ft2 且VPN 伺服器要求高的環境。 RT2600ac + MR2200ac. 5,000 ft2 / 464 m2 / 140 坪. 經濟實惠的最佳選擇,提供進階路由器 ...